Other Help Topics :: SATA Hard Drive
I've got a LiveCD of DSL. Works flawlessly, love the MyDSL extensions. The only problem I have is that it can't mount my SATA drive. I've got a bog standard ATA drive which I can mount fine, but any partitions on the SATA drive don't seem to exist. Any ideas?
Ye, same here. I've running my linux computer with IDE drive, but it's only 8GB. I'd like to use the defunct (as far as windows is concerned) SATA drive instead.
I know the 8GB is more than enough, but as my windows machine typically spits out 2 hard drives a year...
The IDE in the linux machine, was one spat out - refuses to install windows. The MoBo, refused to boot fully - works fine with linux. So help me conserve the environment and stop more hardware from reaching the rubbish dump. 
I would guess that the SATA drives need some modules that isn't included in DSL. As for the IDE drives, it may be that the master boot record (MBR) is messed up. If you can boot with the live CD then you can wipe it (including the partition table) with the following command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
This assumes that your disk is /dev/hda. Please note that deleting the partition table will make your partitions (and the data on them!) unaccessible. Alternatively you can download a dos/win bootdisk from http://www.bootdisk.com/ and run fdisk /mbr.
Serial ATA Support was not officially included in linux until kernel 2.4.27 (DSL uses 2.4.26).
I've remastered DSL using a 2.4.27 kernel, because I too use Serial ATA and my drive was not recognized (however, some people have reported success with their drives being recognized in 2.4.26...odd...there was partial support)
Anyway...Let me know if you'd like the 2.4.27 remaster (pm me here on forums 'tronik') =) I'll be happy to let you download it. (It is slightly larger than the current DSL iso due to the amoutn of 2.4.27 modules, there are some i didn't remove..because..well i wanted to be sure i had all the modules. But you can always remove them and remaster on your own. ;)
Your SATA partitions might appear as SCSI device names like /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sdb2 etc
If not, then it looks like you need to get tronik's remaster
Search Google for your SATA controller model number and "knoppix 3.4" and see if there is any help out there.
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