Thanks again for all the help. I had the same problem with the keyboard map. And Ron, XMMS is streaming Shoutcast everyday in my Shop with no problems other than loosing the stream once in a while. When I get some time I am going to try to setup Fluxbox a little better. I think I will copy DSL's over and try that.Joel, what is it about hams and obsolete gear? ;^)
My ulterior motive for getting this thing working is to build a cheap, maintenance-free, (and silent) computer lab in my church basement. If I could create a non-root user, install Firefox (using the instructions found elsewhere in this thread), and maybe a game or two, people could surf the web and check web-based e-mail for free. Maybe it will spark interest in linux among church geeks.
A long-term goal would be to integrate a linux server that could act as an app server/file repository/image upgrade point.
Big Respekt to the DSL Geeks in da house.
Ron, KB1KIN8363,
great stuff. Copied your berlios tar onto my cf card, set the 2200 to boot from flash - writing this reply from my wonderful silent NetVista system.
Thx a lot, LuWiki.
(had to bflash from 1/12/2001 to 7/29/02 from the IBM Website though)
Quote (LuWiki @ Feb. 24 2005,16:26)
great stuff. Copied your berlios tar onto my cf card, set the 2200 to boot from flash - writing this reply from my wonderful silent NetVista system.
Thx a lot, LuWiki.
(had to bflash from 1/12/2001 to 7/29/02 from the IBM Website though)
Any chance of posting this link for us mere-mortals to flash our PROM's also?
TT.TT, try this: in netvistaltc.tar.gz there is a bflash.2200. It seemed to be a newer version. I found it yesterday but i didn't find time to try it. If it works, please post it.Next Page...
original here.