Other Help Topics :: DSL on IBM thin client?
I have a N2200 and intend to use it as an always on portal to my network, a small ftp server and a tool for updating my dynamic IP address using no-ip service.
I have the unit up and running, it's all lovely and I'm very happy. I had even gotten used to the german keymap!
I've downloaded the no-ip update client for linux (which supports debian) and have tried to follow the instructions here:
(yep - sorry I am a newbie
I can get as far as wgetting the file, untaring it and being able to look around the folders, but I don't see how I can use Make or stuff like that. Is all that kind of thing included in this build?
Secondally, is it possible to run the following things:
1) http server or httpd
2) ftp server
3) vnc
I guess I'm really lazy, but has anyone taken the great work done in the initial build and made something really sweet?
Is it possible to post images of your versions?
I did a quick howto here:
Maybe of interest to new people.
Hi, yeah I saw your page, but I am probably at the same stage you are at with it.
I have a working system, but My linux knowledge isn't so hot and I was wondering if anyone had taken this project further.
I have run the DSL live CD on my windows pc, but have had little luck in being able to copy the components of say monkey httpd onto my ntfs drives then copying that onto my cf flash.
At the very least I need help with the no-ip client, and further to that to make me a very happy bunny I'd like either to put DSL 1.4 as is on my CF card, as I really like the live cd's setup (it does everything I need), or I need to know how to put VNC, FTP server and monkey httpd onto this image.
How far have you got? Can you shed any light on where to go from here?
I have a model of 8363 type from year 2000.
When I put the power supply, the "power on" led only blink for a short time then goes off, and the Netvista Thin client does'n start.
I put the power supply on the other model (with Ciryx processor - from 1999 edition) and works fine.
It's there a trik to make the new type work, because I hope is not damaged, because the situation happents from first time when I tryed put it to work.
If is not any trick, then is broken for shure.
Thanks for respose!
I think I found the answer:
"Unfortunately my WXX doesn’t power on, it seems as though about 7 capacitors have blown on the system. I am looking into replacing them although I don’t know if this will bring it back to life. The capacitors are 1500 microfarad at 6.3volts (although voltage isn’t an issue as long as it is at least 6.3volts)."
I found this at:
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