Other Help Topics :: Making my own .dsl
I am reading http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Mkmydsl but don't think that is what I want.
I have a local hard disk install, with a few things I would like to rollup into a .dsl. I could tar them up, but would like to have 4 or 5 .dsl files that when installed simply take files and put them where they go;
ex. custom /opt/bootlocal, have that overwrite the original, but can't find the damn howto!
Feel free to shoot over the command and/or howto link.
If you look on the main page, there is a link to creating them.
Alternatively you can use search.
Note that a .dsl is basically a (gzipped) .tar
and I thought bootlocal was referenced in the backup/restore system by default?
Hm. The documentation at http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Creating_a_dsl_Extension is a little sparse. Well, to summarize between that and the creating a .tar.gz doc:
Have a list of your files (one per line, like from "find") in a file, without directories. Then just pack up:
tar -cvzf myext.dsl -T list_of_files --no-recursion --numeric-owner
Edit: Eh, hats beat me to this 
Well, thanks curaga for that, as for links, etc. I just re-looked at the main page (http://damnsmalllinux.org/) and don't see a link to create your own dsl. As for search, did find a few outdated things, but just needed a simple 1/2 sentence, this is the easiest way to accomplish it.
Not sure on the backup/restore, but I have a new bootlocal file I want to use, as well as some other things that need to be copied over, so I want to have a handful of things, to just say load local, and be done.
In the future, if things change, I can modify that .dsl file and push that.
Thanks though...
From the wiki's main page -> Creating MyDSL extensions -> Creating a .dsl
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