Other Help Topics :: Booting, Backup, My DSL on CDRW?
Has anyone tried putting the whole thing on a CDRW or DVDRW?
DSL Live Boot CD, MyDSL, Optional, and Backup all in one.
I think there were some older threads on having all that stuff on 1 cd. I think it should still be fine. You might want to look into `mkmydsl` for example.
The media should not matter as long as the drive can read it.
Awesome!!! Thanks!
I actually don't have a burner in any of my 3 DSL boxes, but could? Would Parted or something else produce an image usable by NERO and that nasty W.. word? Does something in the current version of DSL support RW and/or multipart boot? UDF format? For repetitivly writing the backup. I will do further research now that I know its possable.
One of the biggest problems I have run into on support forums is:
The exact problem I have. Rater lengthy thread. The final post is by a person providing support. The EU never bothers to post whether they just gave up, or it worked, or how it worked!
I have some very interested customers, but hesitant to give up the known for the unknown. Or having the time to relearn everything they know. I am trying to work up some custom demo boot cd's based on their individual needs. My profit comes not from the software (I an not an affiliate of anyone)! Or distribution. It is the use of my brain. A customer recently told me 'The two most important people in my life are my mechanic and my computer guy!' Lovin' DSL!
*nix has come a long way in the last 5 years.
You'll want ISO image (editing) software. NERO may have one. Note that you could always boot into DSL to create one and transfer it over, even in a virtual machine.
Again, the disc media format does not matter, or are you talking about the erasing feature of rw's? If the latter case, you can just use any program that can do that.
Multipart? Do you mean multi-session? Multisessioned tracks should work as long as the drive can read it. DSL should pick them up after the kernel loads. If this works for you and you decide to use it, it would avoid looking at this post's first point.
The udf.o module should be in the latest DSL releases (see 4.2.2 changelog), but I don't recall anything on its use.
I have only done something similar on older releases. Note that you'll probably have complications if you wanted to use just the default backup tool system.
Thanks. I'm going to put a cd burner in a DSL computer and see what happens. These two threads seem to play together for what I'm trying to do.
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