Other Help Topics :: Cannot type in Firefox fullscreen - DSL 4.0
Hi there,
First of all big thanks to everyone working on this great little distro and extra special thanks to Robert for getting me registered on the forum.
The reason why I just couldn't wait, urgently had to get on this forum asap, now, now, now was as follows:
I'm trying to get my father's old 64MB 500Mhz laptop up and running as a simple internet kiosk for my sister who only really needs to access gmail and browse.
I've installed DSL 4.0 to the harddrive and configured the wireless card and everything but have run into this strange problem.
When I press F11 and run FF in fullscreen, the cursor prompt disappears and I am no longer able to type. In fact the keyboard stops being recognised completely and so I can't even press F11 to exit fullscreen again.
The keyboard works fine normally and is correctly mapped.
Also, when I was trying to get firefox loaded at startup I realised if you launch firefox from the beginning of .xinitrc, firefox loads without any window or even a file menu bar, equivalent to true fullscreen. However in this situation as well, I cannot use the keyboard.
The screen for this laptop is small and I really want to use every inch of it as well as hide the desktop from my sister who will panic at the sign of anything non-windowsey.
The md5 sums for the iso I downloaded are correct and I ran DSL on my Toshiba laptop and experienced the same problem.
So I guess my questions are:
1. Can anyone duplicate this problem?
2. Can anyone help me solve it?!
3. ... well I have many more questions but I guess those can wait 
Thanks a lot for your help,
Hi kimangroo,
Maybe it's just the cursor disappearing? I had this happen to me in something (adding account in meebo chat) just a few days ago and I thought the app had died too. Turned out that the program was responsive but the cursor was no longer visible.
Hi John,
Yeah I thought it was just the cursor disappearing at first but I can't use the keyboard shortcuts (ie F11 to close full screen) either. It seems that the whole keyboard input is being switched off.
I guess that you're not getting this problem with FF then?
I just downloaded DSL-N and ran that on my other laptop and Seamonkey (that's a kind of FF no?) is fine fullscreen.
I'm going to download an older DSL version and see if I have the same problem.
OK with DSL 3.4.1 FF didn't go into proper full screen, and remains in a window. The cursor and keyboard work though.
I know next to nothing about this stuff, but could this be a windows manager rather than FF problem? Is it the windows manager that controls/allows an application to go full screen rather than the application itself?
I've also just noticed that when DSL 4.0 is loading, I get the following message just before X (is it?) starts up:
Cloop: initializing cloop v.2.01 (or something like that)
Entering runlevel 5
Loading usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gz
Operation failed
As I said the keyboard works fine and is mapped correctly normally but just doesn't work when FF is in full screen. Could the above have anything to do with it? I've tried changing permissions a+r and a+x to the uk.kmap.gz file but that hasn't worked.
Edit ** oh and I just realised you can switch windows managers, unfortunately the problem is the same with JWM, Fluxbox and SWM.
My problem is in Firefox 2.10 running on Windows XP.
You might want to try DSL 4.1RC3, it's the latest version. At least it would help to compare problems between versions of the OS.
Oh... try this... from an Aterm console... execute the following and then watch and see if Firefox error messages mean anything pertinent in that console:
Code Sample |
dsl@box: firefox
You may get more interactive results if you run it in the background like this (the & is important):
Code Sample |
dsl@box: firefox &
I've always used the default US keyboard... maybe that has some impact a well?
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