X and Fluxbox :: Reconfiguring X on Boot
Still working through the list. I changed the DSL grub boot to read "dsl 3,base,norestore,frugal" as the only boot options. Xvesa -listmodes still does not work. Top shows no unusual activity. Also, you folks mentioned a boot prompt. I do not have one. I am editing GRUB directly.
I ran the following boot options, no change.
nopcmcia nousb nomce noddc nofirewire noscsi noagp noapm noacpi
I ran fb800x600 as a boot option and booted into run level 3. I ran xsetup.sh and selected xfbdev xserver as the option. I ran startx and received the following error;
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module fb0
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0,0" after 0 requests (0known processed) woth 0 events remaining.
OK, I got it to work, thanks to a suggestion by Andrewb. I changed the following in GRUB boot line;
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I am still running the xfbdev xserver. I'll try the vesa server next ...
I am VERY happy 
Here comes a newbie question - How do I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst in this read-only-filesystem environment?
Edit: Disregard, I answered my own question.
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