User Feedback :: My DSL experience (great!!)
Hi to all, first post here.
I'm a linux user since 8 years. Iwas just searching for a small linux distro to resuscitate to a new life a very old desktop.
Now after a frugal install I run very smoothly DSL on an old Pentium 100, memory upgraded to 256 M, and with a really poor video card that didn't work with any known distro. I just arrived to run an old RH7.0 with a lot of problems and very slowly. With DSL it's a charme.
Than I have done an USB pen drive install and I run it from my 1 G USB memory stick on every PC I want. Just wonderful.
I really love this distro, thanks a lot. 
I'll try to contibute to the forum in the limits of my knowledges
original here.