User Feedback :: usb floppy & mp3 player doesn't work
It's a generic brand (no brand name) mp3/mp4 player with a 1.5"LCD, bought on ebay. Made in China. Sold by Hong Kong. Came with features like radio, ebook, photo viewer etc. It's a cheap-o, had incorrect memory size problem before. So I can't say that I don't expect problems with it. Oh well you get what you pay for. But anyway, I got it working with DSL now.
About the mounting issue, I finally figured out the correct command. Hurray
sudo su
mount -t vfat -o rw -o nosuid -o nodev -o umask=000 -o uid=1001 -o gid=50 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
such a long command 
Just tried again with Vista. same multiple partition problem. I'm gonna fix it with linux from now on. Repeat: Vista, like Win98 and xp create the same multiple partitions.
About the 2 co-existing file systems that can't see each other. I ran into the same problem today. It might have something to do with the way I mounted without re-booting. Mounting from the desktop menu without re-booting seemed to be the problem. Using the long typed command line above was OK. When I've time, maybe I'll try again to find out the real reason.
Thanks for all your help.
original here.