User Feedback :: dsl is great, but i have some problems
Hi, i have installed dsl 3 or 4 times, in change with ubuntu (x,flux,etc), but now i have again dsl v. 3.3 RC1, because its much faster on my old laptop than any other linux i tried.
My System is Compaq Armada 4210T, 233 MHz, 48 MB, 6 GB HD, with Win98 on 2GB Part. and dsl on the rest.
The system of dsl with unc and uci ist very fast and the windowmanagers fluxbox and jwm are great too.
But now i have some problems with the sound and the wlan.
My soundchip is an es1878, that should work with the sb-driver, but both threads, where the problem is described, couldn't help me.
I tried modprobe with some sb-options and i tried sndconfig with all available options and the default-values, what are the same as in windows. (in windows the sound is ok, so that i am shure, that it's not a hardwaredefekt).
With xmms (startet in a root-terminal) i always get the error-popup (with oss, esound and alsa)
"Couldn't open audio - Please check that 1. ...2. ...3. ..."
When the output-plugin is set to OSS the terminal says
"** Warning **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device /dev/dsp: No such..."
lsmod says
sb 0 (unused)
sb_lib 0 sb
uart401 0 sb_lib
sound 0 sb_lib uart401
soundcore 4 (autoclean) sb_lib sound
dmesg says: SB 3.01 detected OK (220)
ESSchip ES1878 detected
sb: interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - propable IRQ conflict
cat /proc/interrupts says
5: 2 XT-PIC soundblaster
NMI: 0
LOC: 0
ERR: 5
MIS: 0
Please help me, i don't know, what i could try.
PS: About the problem with wlan i will ask in Network 
You have two irq's set as 5, when pc's can only usually have one device/irq. Check the BIOS what irq does the soundcard have there, and if it's 5 there too, check which are free and try to give them as irq= parameter when modprobing sb..
Hi, the mistake was in the bios, there was the irq for the soundcard set to 10. After i had it set back to 5, i had no irq-conflikt.
Then i have made the /dev/sound new with MAKEDEV, because i had no /dev/dsp, only /dev/dsp0 to dsp5. Now i have dsp too, and not yet the Error "Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp) ...".
But if i start xmms (from terminal), and click on play, then i can see, that the music is played, but i can't hear anything.
Whats that.
The output-plugin is oss.
PS: If i set the volume to 100% i hear a whistle. Could that be a tip, that the output is set to the microphone?
You didn't say what you're trying to listen to with xmms. Are you not getting sound when playing CDs, MP3s, or streams?
Oh, i tried mp3s and windows wavs, no cd, because my laptop has no cd-drive.
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