User Feedback :: Booting on laptop failed
That message appears only when I try to boot without any special command. On the "dsl nopcmcia" It tells me something like "no such command" and I wrote it right, I tried several times. On the "dsl failsafe" it goes on for a while and it stops again ,I don't remember the exact message right now.
it's not supposed to be "dsl failsafe" but only "failsafe"..
I tried again, on DSL 3.4, after seeing the first DSL screen, after "boot :", with nopcmcia and the result was "Could not find kernel image:pcmcia" After that it continued loading the default settings and it blocked as usual. On failsafe it stopped at this message ACPI-0286 Error *** No installed handler for fix event [00000000]
Yesterday I haven't used the command "dsl failsafe", I pressed F2 from the initial menu in DSL 4.01 and "dsl" just appeared automatically before any command I wanted to give.
Anyway, I have already installed another linux release and it is working fine. I wanted to use DSL because that's the way I discovered linux, by the embedded solution 
An older Toshiba I tried was a bit flaky ,
could it be tried without the PCMCIA cards to see if it progresses any further ?
Then go back and check any messages.
My antique would work 1 in 3 times and needed the batteries removed to turn it off when it failed ! ( But not that relevant as was using Live CD )
original here.